Memory Cards
Memory Game is a WebOS game where you must quickly determine whether a symbol
matches the one presented 2 times previously, quickly memorizing and comparing the
symbols challenges your working memory. Use your remote control to play, using the
up-down and left-right arrows, and press “OK” to see a new card.
Tic Tac Toe is a 2-player WebOS game in which the objective is to take turns and mark
the correct spaces. You can play against the computer or against a friend. Challenge
yourself with a traditional 3 X 3 grid, or custom-sized boards from 5×5 to 8×8. Use your
remote control to play, using the up-down and left-right arrows, and press “OK” to place
your “X” or “O” in the cell of your choice.
Super Tetris
Super Tetris is a WebOS game where you rotate falling blocks strategically to clear
horizontal rows of blocks. The three ready-to-play Tetris modes include Marathon,
Quick Play, and Hardcore. Select up to 7 Tetris themes and challenge yourself with a
traditional 10 X 20 grid, or a custom-sized board up to 25×30. Use your remote control
to play, using the up-down and left-right arrows to move the blocks. If you want to drop
a block quickly, just press “OK”.
Feed Monster
Feed Monster is a WebOS game in which you score as many points possible by eating
the small dots all around the maze. You can eat other monsters for points after eating
the energizer. To challenge yourself, try the endless maze mode instead of classic
mode. Use your remote control to play, using the up-down and left-right arrows to move
the Feed Monster—the monster eats whatever it encounters!